
About us

Why becoming a member of Eurojute? "Eurojute brings your business further "

EUROJUTE maintains close relationships with relevant international organisations being of importance to Jute, examples include  the European Commission in Brussels, national governments of the members countries, embassies and organisations of jute producing countries and organisations similar to EUROJUTE in other parts of the world.

Eurojute has an active board. And if necessary members are being asked to participate in working groups in order to take advantage of their expertise. Eurojute’s activities must be in such a way that they can be recognized by traders. To become an Eurojute-member you don’t have to be a ‘traditional’ bag dealer. A potential member should ask himself: does Eurojute also represents my (market) interests?  In case this question is answered positively it is worth trying of becoming an Eurojute member.

EUROJUTE services include:

  • contact and lobbying at appropriate organisations,
  • information about new developments in trade,
  • general sales conditions,
  • standard buying contracts for jute,
  • arbitration system
  • general meetings of members of the Association twice a year.


The general meetings take place in members' countries. Currently EUROJUTE has members in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The meetings offer an excellent opportunity to form, renew and/or extend business relations.
The increasingly global economy makes it more important to have a strong a organisation to represent its members interests.  As a long established organisation whose members include many of the major European Importers of Jute and related products, EUROJUTE is able to provide this representation.

Eurojute is active for:

  • Members
  • Endusers / customers
  • Other stakeholders
    All those parties who have an interest in a qualitatively well-organised market


EUROJUTE believes in free trade without governmental interference and promotes fair trade from its suppliers.

Board of Eurojute
* Ms Denise Buise, president (The Netherlands)
* Mr Andreas Engeler, vice-president (Switzerland)
* Mr Geert de Boeck, treasurer (Belgium)
* Mr Arnaldo Carbognani, board member (Italy)

Interested in becoming a member of Eurojute? Please contact the Eurojute-secretariat: tel.: +31 (0) 70 34 90 768  or for more information. (As we are an European organisation only companies located in Europe can become a member).